Sunday, January 11, 2009

Altered States

Part one: Drugs and addictions
I read the article about the shot that will cure addictions. I think its cool that they came up with something like that because it will help out a lot of people in the world who actually want to stop doing drugs. They say that the shot will help out much faster than programs and stuff people usualy takae. Tthe bad side of it, is that you have to take like 5 shots a month and boosters every 2 months after. But i guess you could say it would be worth it in the end. 

Part two: dreams
i had this dream where like at school it was valentines day and everyone in the school had to gather in this big room and sit on pillows and some teacher was calling people up one by one to walk up in front of everyone and show their valentines present and to take a grade on it, and if it was a really bad one, or if you didnt have one they'd send you off to like a different country and you never came back. 

Part three: hypnosis
i just didnt feel anything at all....dissapointing.

Class Evaluation

What did you like about the class?
I thought the class was pretty fun, i liked all the videos we watched. They were pretty interesting.

What was your favorite activity or project?
um i guess my favorite project was the one where we talked about all the different disorders. 

What didn't you like about the class?
i didnt like how we had all those projects. they were had to keep up with at one point.

What do you think I should leave out next year?
the billion projects!

Do you have any suggestions or ideas for things I could do next semester in Psych?
i think it would have been cool for you to have some people come talk to us about some of the things we talked about so we could get a better understanding. 


I dont really have an opinion about the whole election thing. i think who ever is the president there will be change no matter what. but also the changes arent just going to be based on what obama says, the congress also have a say so in it too. butttt i guess if the congress agree with everything obama says then there should be some pretty good changes. 

Friday, January 9, 2009

optical illusions

My favorite illusion from the website was the Spiral aftereffect. It's a black and white spiral that spins. You look at the center of the spiral for about 20 seconds, and then look somewhere else, and wherever you look it will be swirling.

Friday, November 21, 2008

According to Brain works Evaluation i exhibit balanced dominance and strong visual preference. I absord my enviroment, selecting out details and embed them in a context overall perspective. Im able to focuse on more than one aspect and push for a resolution. I can tolorate ambiguity. I will always be able to work through problems in a logical swquence. I have insuffcient time to reflect on my experiences which makes me not appreciate my "inner being" Im artistic, and active learner and yet reasonably logical and disiplined.

For the results it gave me I would just have to say that i dont fully agree with it. I agree with the active learner part and also how im able to focuse on more than one aspect. But to me, i dont think im very artistic and im not sure about the absorbing my enviroment part.