Sunday, January 11, 2009

Class Evaluation

What did you like about the class?
I thought the class was pretty fun, i liked all the videos we watched. They were pretty interesting.

What was your favorite activity or project?
um i guess my favorite project was the one where we talked about all the different disorders. 

What didn't you like about the class?
i didnt like how we had all those projects. they were had to keep up with at one point.

What do you think I should leave out next year?
the billion projects!

Do you have any suggestions or ideas for things I could do next semester in Psych?
i think it would have been cool for you to have some people come talk to us about some of the things we talked about so we could get a better understanding. 


Anonymous said...

ya i agree with we should noy done so much projects

Pat Kilday said...

the project were definitely a waste of time